09/28 中国首屈一指的吉普赛爵士乐队 : Hot Club of Beijing

2023-05-10 14:56:27

北京热浪俱乐部 (Hot Club of Beijing)乐队是中国首屈一指的吉普赛爵士乐队,于 2010 年 1 月 23 日在北京成立。这个特殊的日期也是 Django Reinhardt 诞辰 100 周年纪念日。Django被誉为吉普赛爵士乐的创始人,也是著名吉普赛爵士乐队法国热浪俱乐部(Hot Club of France)创始人。

China’s premier gypsy jazz ensemble, The Hot Club of Beijing was founded in Beijing on January 23rd 2010. This date marks the 100th birthday of gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt who is credited as being the creator of gypsy jazz as well as founder of the legendary band The Hot Club of France

Hot Club Of Beijing-Menilmontant 

北京热浪俱乐部乐队犹如一架时间机器,带着观众穿梭回上世纪三四十年代。乐队继承发扬了吉普赛传奇人物 Django Reinhardt 的音乐精髓,同时还汲取了传统的吉普赛圆舞曲、美国经典摇摆乐、火热的拉丁音乐、意大利曲调,甚至中国传统音乐元素。他们将开启一次你从未经历过的复古之旅,带给听众无限触动。

The Hot Club of Beijing is truly a time machine band, which takes listeners on a journey back to the 30s / 40s. They continue to carry on the tradition of legend Django Reinhardt as well as perform traditional gypsy waltzes, American swing classics, fiery Latin pieces and even traditional Chinese and Italian tunes. This melting pot of influences creates a unique experience you never been before.

自成立以来,Hot Club of Beijing 一直活跃于国内大小舞台,每隔两个月在DDC的演出场场爆棚;曾参加大理音乐节、青海乌托邦音乐节、天津汗马音乐节等。乐队也与众多国际品牌合作,如  LV, 法拉利、法国航空、法国使馆文化处等。

乐队先后获得 2012/2013/2017年北京 City Weekend 年度最佳乐队奖

Since its inception, The Hot Club of Beijing has been extremely active all over China. They took apart in lots of festivals, like Dali Music Festival, Tianjin Hanma Festival and so on. They also worked with many famous brands, like Ferrari, Louis Vuitton, Air France, INSTITUT FRANÇAIS. In 2012 and 2013 and 2017 the band won the category for Best Local Band in the Beijing City Weekend Reader’ s Choice Awards three times.

2016 年 Hot Club of Beijing 乐队发行了在北京 DDC 的现场录音专辑;在 2017 年夏天,他们将发行录音室专辑 AutumnLeaves

The HCOB released their live CD recorded at Dusk Dawn Club (DDC) in 2016 and in summer of 2017 the band will release their studio albumen titled Autumn Leaves.


Vince Vahram / Guitar, Voice(France)

Douglas Martin / Guitar (US)

Pikar Rozi / Double Bass (Xinijang, China)

Claude Azizaj / Drums (Greece)


Vince Vahram - Singer, Rhythm Guitar

出生于法国尼斯一个热爱音乐的家庭,从小受到良好的音乐熏陶,包括爵士乐、法国香颂和意大利音乐。在父亲的带领下,他开始了解吉普赛爵士乐,并学习其知识、技巧。2007 年他来到中国并参与众多现场演出,又加入 Mademoiselleet son Orchestre,带给听众吉普赛爵士和充满韵味的法国香颂曲目。2010 年 Vince 组建了 Hot Club of Beijing 乐队,致力于让爵士乐在中国焕发活力。

Born in Nice, France, grew up in amusic lover family, who taught him his first guitar chords, through Italian and French chanson and Jazz. He started to learn about the gypsy jazz universe, its origins and heritage, and soon started to learn strong basics and fundamentals of the gypsy jazz guitar rhythm technique called Pompe, to be able to take part in jam session and as well to sing along some American and French jazz standards.

In 2007 Vince went to China, where he collaborated with many musician of the Beijing music scene, then joined the band Mademoiselle et son Orchestre to bring with Selmer style guitar a new gypsy jazz energy and flavor to the French chanson repertoire. In 2010, Vince founded the Hot Club of Beijing.


Douglas Martin - Guitar

美国吉他手 Doug Martin 从 12 岁起学习音乐,先后学习摇滚乐和布鲁斯吉他、爵士乐演奏、古典吉他。2006 年 Doug 开始痴迷并学习吉普赛爵士乐,师从吉普赛爵士乐吉他大师和教育家 Paul Mehling 进行系统专业的吉普赛爵士演奏训练。

American guitarist Doug Martin started studying music at age 12. For the first few years of playing he studied rock and blues guitar, then he learned classical guitar.

In 2006 Doug began to seriously study gypsy jazz, also made maste rclasses with gypsy jazz guitarist master Paul Mehling. 

Doug 曾在世界众多城市演出,也与许多世界级吉他演奏家合作。

Doug has played all over the world and also got the opportunity to meet many of the world’s top guitarists including Tommy Emmanuel, Richard Thompson, Lollo Meier, Hank Marvin, and Larry Carlton and more.

Pikar Rozi - Double Bass

来自中国西域新疆,17 岁开始作为职业贝斯手。2002 年来到北京并活跃于现场演出,后加入著名新疆民族摇滚乐队艾斯卡尔灰狼,多次在中国甚至世界范围内巡演。

From west of China – Xinjiang, Pikar began his career as a bassist at the age of 17. Arrived Beijing in 2002 and took part in the local music scene as a solid bass player, and joined the famous Xingjiang rock band Askar & Grey Wolf, and toured all around China and worldwide.

2009 年始 Pikar 热衷于爵士乐和吉普赛爵士乐,并开始学习演奏低音贝斯。2010年加入 Hot Club of Beijing,专注演奏摇摆乐。如今他是中国最好的吉普赛爵士乐大贝斯演奏家之一。他的演奏以爵士乐为基础,融入从新疆、中东、拉丁等风格中获得的优秀节奏技巧。

Pikar fell into Jazz and Gypsy Jazz in 2009 and then he decided to learn double bass. In 2010 he joined the newly founded Hot Club of Beijing and fully dedicated himself on the traditional basics of swing music. Now Pikar is one of the best double bass player in China for Gypsy Jazz; he mixed solid jazz fundamentals and a full range of excellent rhythm skills he got from Xinjiang roots, from oriental and middle-east to Latin grooves. 

Claude Azizaj - Drums

Claude Azizaj 是一名职业鼓手和音乐教授。2003 年毕业于雅典 Philippos Nakas 音乐学院现代音乐专业;2004 年获伯克利音乐学院奖学金;2009 年在希腊国立音乐学院学习古典打击乐,广受赞誉。他师从众多大师:Jimmy Cobb, Peter Erskine, Yoron Israel 和 Ralph Peterson等。

Claude Azizaj is a professional drummer, percussionist and music professor. Graduated in modern music at Philippos Nakas College of Musicin Athens (2003) and in classical percussion at the National Conservatory of Athens (2009) with a great performance and honorary mentions. In 2004 he received a scholarship from Berklee College of Music. He has taken master classes from masters such as Jimmy Cobb, Peter Erskine, Yoron Israel and Ralph Peterson.

Swing 摇摆舞

摇摆舞蹈是爵士舞蹈中的一种,也可称为摇摆爵士舞蹈。爵士舞蹈最早出现在二十世纪早期的美国,从上世纪的二十年代到五十年代是摇摆舞蹈乐队最得意的三十年,摇摆一词并不是身体左右摆动,而指的摇摆乐 Swing Jazz 特有的节奏律动。摇摆舞可以说是代表了一个时代所沉淀下来的一整套文化:在美国 20-50 年代期间的音乐、时尚,以及人们的生活社交方式现在在美国本土拥有大批忠实的追随者,现在全世界也有很多摇摆舞者。






台上 Hot club of Beijing 

台下 Swing 摇摆舞

九月 Jazz Night 


吉普赛爵士乐队 Hot Club of Beijing × Swing 摇摆舞

时间:【09月28日】周四 21:00 - 22:30

票价: 预售 60 现场 80

风格: 爵士

预售: 酒球会微店,戳阅读原文即可购票




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