
2023-05-10 14:56:27

塞隆尼斯·孟克( Thelonious Monk)无论在哪种音乐风格上都是最有创造力的钢琴家之一。他于 1940年代帮助掀起了一波“比波普”(Bebop)革命。

你可知道,他是历史上作曲数排名第二的爵士乐作曲家?孟克的音乐以爵士乐中最具辨识度而著称 – 从1940年代末到1960年代,孟克创作了令人难以置信的创新音乐,包括“比波普” (bebop)或“波普”(bop),这是一种爵士乐风格,以快节奏、复杂的和弦进行、快速和弦及调的变化、技艺精湛的乐器演奏和即兴演唱为特征,以和谐的结构、音阶的使用和偶尔回归旋律相结合为基础。

你最喜欢塞隆尼斯·孟克的哪首歌曲?请欣赏他的经典乐曲集《现代音乐天才:卷1和卷2》( Genius of Modern Music: Volume 1 and Volume 2),并点击此处了解更多关于他的信息(英文):http://www.jazzinamerica.org/JazzResources/MusiciansDetail/480/True/9

#AmericanJazz – Thelonious Monk 

Thelonious Monk, one of the most inventive pianists of any musical genre, helped usher in the bebop revolution in the 1940s.   

Did you know that he is the second most recorded jazz composer of all time?  Monk is known as having one of the most recognizable sounds in jazz - from the late 1940’s through the 1960’s, Monk created incredibly innovative music, including “bebop” or “bop” which is a style of jazz characterized by a fast tempo, complex chord progressions, rapid cord and key changes, instrumental virtuosity and improvisation based on a combination of harmonic structure, the use of scales and occasional references to the melody.   

What is your favorite Thelonious Monk song?  Check out his classic albums “Genius of Modern Music: Volume 1 and Volume 2” and learn more about him at (eng):  http://www.jazzinamerica.org/JazzResources/MusiciansDetail/480/True/9 


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