ICTJ,感谢你的参与!Thanks for your paticipating!

2023-05-10 14:56:27


2015年10月15日晚,在同济大学同德楼茶水吧内,墙上设着八卦阵,天花板挂着武功秘籍,一幅幅的国画,四处皆是浓浓的武侠功夫气息。人气满满的ICTJ功夫之夜主题派对正在火热进行。本次派对气氛极其活跃,中外学生陆续到达充满武侠气息的现场后,狂欢即刻开始。首先由星空的同学带来双截棍的精彩表演,接着是舞团两位美女俏皮而动感的爵士舞Shake it.精彩的节目引得现场观众频频尖叫鼓掌,party渐渐步入佳境。
October 15, 2015, we held ICTJ party——the night of kongfu at the tea bar in Tongde Building. We saw many ancient decorations in Chinese style and we watched some excellent shows. That was really a happy time for everyone to meet each other and make many friends.
There were also many interesting games. I have to say you guys are so good at using chopsticks—— even I lost in the game!!!
People were interested in the prices: The Chinese knot, which means happiness and good luck, the ancient coin made of gold which is called yuanbao, and especially the book teaching you the special skill of kongfu. No matter you can read it or not, I am sure you will like it.

At the end of the party, everyone joined the dance in a long row. The music, the drinks, the games, the dance, the chats……everyone took part in and had great fun.We really thank you guys and hope you all enjoyed the night!

For more fantastic activities,please follow our Wechat platform“tonggjiguoji"!


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