?Good Afternoon
I am so fascinated by the show called
? Street Dance of China
I am A Huge Fan !!
?So To-day I want to introduce
several different genres of dancing
? 小编出镜教学啦 !?
❤ Dances ❤
① Classical dancing --- 古典舞
② Ballet --- 芭蕾
③ Folk dancing --- 民族舞
④ Modern --- 现代舞 Contemporary dancing
⑤ Tap dancing --- 踢踏舞
❤ Continue ❤
⑥ Jazz --- 爵士舞
⑦ Latin dance --- 拉丁舞
⑧ Hiphop --- 街舞
⑨ Locking --- 锁舞(街舞)
⑩ Breaking --- 霹雳舞
⑩① Popping --- 震感舞
?? ?
Urban Dance is not a genre, but a form of dance expression. It is the organic integration of the trend, the new elements and the choreography
? Performance Form ?
? Solo 单人舞
? Pas de deux [ˌpɑ: də ˈdɜ:] 双人舞
? Group dance 群舞
? A song and dance drama 歌舞剧
? English For Today ?
Dialogue Demo
Rui: Wow, look at him, he is smoking hot !?
天呐,看看他,太帅了, 帅到冒烟了?
Jeo: Yeah sorry, please give me some context, who is he?
额.... 能不能告诉我些背景,他是谁呀?
Rui: Han Yu OMG ! He is the winner of Street dance of China!
Jeo: Oh ~ yes, I saw the video clip, he is fairly talented!
嗷嗷嗷~ 对,我看过他的视频,的确是很有天赋!
Rui: Yeah, he is so swaggy~ He unexpectedly stood out because of that battle
对呀,他超级酷炫滴~ 他是因为那场对战,大放光彩的~
Jeo: Yep, seven to smoke, right ? That was really something.
嗯嗯~ 是车轮战对吧,那个的确是很酷!
Rui: Of course, he is my idol ~
Bonus words:
Give me some context
Stand out
Seven to smoke
That is all for today!
If you disagree with my idol, plz keep it to yourself!