Life in 21st century sometimes could be boring. This time, try something from the the 80s! Come and see how JUNK! , the HK-based band, smashes all of his favourite things - catoons, video games, visual art, toys, women, comedy, costumes, and eletro-rock - together into one single organism!
定居香港的 JUNK! 不是什么 DJ,而是一个有着怪趣味的墨尔本男人玩起了electro pop rock,来劲又带感。 他把闪片、键他、Beat Box Solos 还有电子摇滚全揽一块儿玩。活在80 年代的余响里——女人、犹太鸡汤、电玩、蹩脚舞步——他用一台电脑、MIDI 电鼓和电玩设备把这些 80s 元素捣鼓成数小时的波普色彩浓郁的卡机片段和视听觉炸弹。
Inspired by The Flaming Lips, Muse and Squarepusher, JUNK! has developed his own style of live shows. Seeing JUNK! is not like seeing any other band - it is a piece of performance art.
厌倦了千篇一律的演出,JUNK! 在 The Flaming Lips, Muse 和 Squarepusher 的演出经历里找到了灵感。他将打击乐器、电玩手柄与音乐结合,配上光怪陆离的视觉效果,酿造出他特有的表演形式。
JUNK! Live Show
My House - JUNK!
“Amazing, fun, weird… If you’re bored of your music, check out JUNK! One of the most fun live shows I’ve been to… ever.” - Roberto Concerto,Robscenity
“Watch out Scissor Sisters, here come JUNK!” - Rosie Beaton, Triple J
JUNK! has performed a tonne of shows throughout Australia, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.
JUNK! 墨尔本、大阪、首尔、香港等城市办过不少演出,这次他将目光放在了中国大陆。炎炎夏日,来躁一把!
June 28 Thur. | Hangzhou
‘Pop JUNK!’
21:30 - 23:00
Ticket: 50 RMB
@ 酒球会-杭州